2020 Frozen Four , Regular Season

UAA - Sugarland


1 2 T
UAA - Sugarland 0 10 10
U of A - Tucson 0 2 2

U of A - Tucson


Shots on Goal

Team 1 2 Total
UAA - Sugarland 0 10 10
U of A - Tucson 0 2 2

Power Plays

UAA - Sugarland 0-0 0
U of A - Tucson 0-0 0

1st Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
TimeTeamPenalty Detail

2nd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
24:00 U of A - Tucson Ayden Wise Goal (even strength)
Assists: Brady Brown
UAA 0 - UATC 1
24:00 U of A - Tucson Ayden Wise Goal (even strength)
UAA 0 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Arlo Gooch Goal (even strength)
UAA 1 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Rusty Boyle Goal (even strength)
UAA 2 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Rusty Boyle Goal (even strength)
UAA 3 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Rusty Boyle Goal (even strength)
UAA 4 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Carson Washington Goal (even strength)
UAA 5 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Carson Washington Goal (even strength)
UAA 6 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Carson Washington Goal (even strength)
UAA 7 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Carson Washington Goal (even strength)
UAA 8 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Oliver Sparks Goal (even strength)
UAA 9 - UATC 2
24:00 UAA - Sugarland Oliver Sparks Goal (even strength)
UAA 10 - UATC 2
TimeTeamPenalty Detail

UAA - Sugarland


# Name G A PIM
5 Rusty Boyle 0 0 0
8 Chris O'Dell 0 0 0
9 Arlo Gooch 1 0 0
10 Oliver Sparks 2 0 0
22 Sienna Shwets 0 0 0
87 Rusty Boyle 3 0 0
92 Grant Watson 0 0 0
97 Carson Washington 4 0 0
99 Caleb Parie 0 0 0
Totals: 10 0 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
5 Rusty Boyle 48:00 2 0 WIN
Totals: 48:00 2 0 0


# Name Signature

U of A - Tucson


# Name G A PIM
8 AJ Miller 0 0 0
9 Lyle Specht 0 0 0
11 Landon Piper 0 0 0
16 Andreas Glykofridis 0 0 0
41 Alyssa Lemire 0 0 0
81 Ayden Wise 2 0 0
87 Brady Brown 0 1 0
88 Collins Bow 0 0 0
Totals: 2 1 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
35 Antonio Bras-Taylor 48:00 10 0 LOSS
Totals: 48:00 10 0 0


# Name Signature

1st Period -- Scoring: None. Penalties: None. Goalie Changes: None.

2nd Period -- Scoring: UATC - Wise Goal (even strength) (Brown) 24:00; UATC - Wise Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Gooch Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Boyle Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Boyle Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Boyle Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Washington Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Washington Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Washington Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Washington Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Sparks Goal (even strength) 24:00; UAA - Sparks Goal (even strength) 24:00. Penalties: None. Goalie Changes: None.

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